We Are Your Digital Workplace Partners

We help our clients build their modern workforce through business technology solutions centered around strategy, user experience, and infrastructure management.

We're Certified to Deliver Top Quality Microsoft 365 Solutions

Our powerful blend of skills backed by tools, methodologies, and best practices that meets the current industry standards. To put it simply, we are a Microsoft Partner certified to deliver high-quality SharePoint and Microsoft 365 solutions for our clients.

Certified Microsoft Gold Collaboration and Content

Collaboration and Content

Our clients rely on us to deliver Microsoft 365 and SharePoint solutions for their modern workplace.
Certified Microsoft Silver Application Development

Collaboration and Content

We develop enterprise-level solutions for our clients that leverage Microsoft products and services.
Certified Microsoft Gold Project and Portfolio Management

Collaboration and Content

We are qualified to plan, lead, and manage projects that live up to Microsoft's standards.

Iterative Approach to Launch Solutions Faster

We deliver high-quality solutions through multiple iteration cycles. This method allows us to focus on the core requirements, and collaborate with our clients to quickly drive an implementation plan. Deploying fast and often gives us the flexibility to release, test, and evaluate solutions then proceed to add new features in future iterations.

Deploy & Test
Release & Evaluate


We use workshops, demos, and user research, coupled with our years of experience to understand your current state, and to help define your desired future state.

Understand the specific needs of your organization.
Envision how the tools can be used to optimize and enhance your business.
Identify the core requirements for your solution.


We define a strategy tailored to your specific needs, timeline, and budget that is optimize to get us to a solution as fast and efficient as possible.

Create a Project Plan tailored to your specific needs.
Create a Project Backlog of all the requirements.
Breakdown the tasks into shorter sprints to begin agile development.


We create engaging user experiences and visual design to ensure that the solution provides an intuitive experience for both non-technical and power users in your organization.

Design the flow of the user experience through wireframes.
Design an intuitive user interface.
Apply your customize branding to the solution.


Our team of developers bring the solution to reality, down to the smallest detail. Every aspect of the solution is rigorously tested by our quality assurance team to ensure optimal performance for each iteration.

Quickly develop a solution that meets the core requirements.
Regular updates to keep track of our progress.
Quality assurance testing to make sure all requirements are met.

Deploy & Test

We collaborate with your team members in testing the solution. Making sure that the requirements are met before releasing a version to all the rest of your organization.

Release a work-in-progress solution into your test environment.
Gather feedback, and address bugs and issues.

Release & Evaluate

The live version is delivered to your users for them to use. We continuously collect feedback from your team, and include these findings in our next iteration of the solution.

Release a version of the solution to your organization.
Monitor performance and gather real-time feedback from users.
Collect statistics to feed into future sprint cycles.

Sharing Knowledge to Our Community

We publish weekly blog posts, insights, and quick tips to help elevate the collective knowledge of the members of our online community.

Optimize your Workplace for Tomorrow and Beyond

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  2021 Year in Review: Let's take a look at some of our highlights from this year!